Thursday, 12 November 2015

Possible Interview Questions And Answers

  Possible Interview Questions And Answers

Possible Interview Questions And Answers

During interviews the interviewer is expectant on the skills the interviewee has to offer, its more like survival of the fittest, your being accessed based on your communication skills, ability to encode transmitted messages,qualifications,level of commitment...........some possible questions and how to respond accordingly are as follows:

Here Are Possible Interview Questions And Answers

  •   Why do you want to work for this company?
              Here the interviewer is accessing the interviewees level of commitment and interest towards the company, the interviewer is trying to determine what you know and like about the company, and if your skills match the job requirements.  Say as many positive things about the company as possible, show your interest in whatever products/services they sell and explain why the position fits with your career goals.

  •     Have you done this kind of work before?
             The interviewer wants to know if  you have any knowledgeable experience about the job so as to know if you can learn to do the job in a reasonable time and how much training you will need. Never say "no" to this question. Instead, stress the experience you do have that will assist you in learning the new job quickly and efficiently. No two jobs are alike and you never do exactly the same work.
  •    What kind of training or qualifications do you have? 
              Here your being accessed by the kind of school qualification you have and your level of experience. If you have no formal school qualifications but have a lot of experience, you might say:
        I didn't get formal school training for this job but I have (number) of years of experience in the field.
  •      Tell me about yourself. Why should we hire you?
              Here your to tell the interviewer about yourself, your job skills and how well you express yourself. Do not start talking about your personal life.State your best qualifications for the job. try to convince your interviewer that your the best person for the job.
  •        What do you do in your spare time?
              Here your interviewer is trying to know more about your personal know if your activities and hobbies might help the company. Describe any volunteer work you do and any hobbies or interests that might relate to the job in some way. Stick to active hobbies, such as playing sports, carpentry,gardening, etc. Avoid mentioning inactive and non-creative activities such as watching television.better still choose a hobby related to the job.
  •      What do you think of working in a group?
              Here your interviewer is trying to know about your communication answer the question effectively you are to focus on the advantages of working in a group,explain how the various individuals in a group complement one another in carrying out certain tasks giving examples of your personal experience in a group.
  •     How do you react to instruction and criticism?
             The interviewer wants to know how you feel about authority.
  •     Why did you choose this line of work?
              Your interviewer wants to find out how enthusiastic you are about your career choice. In other words do you do it because you love the work or just take any job you can get for the money.
  •          How well do you work under pressure or tight deadlines?
              This question indicates that the job you're applying for will involve working under pressure. Give examples of volunteer and paid work that involved pressure and deadlines. You could mention that we are always faced with pressure and deadlines in our lives and you do not mind the stress. Stressful situations are a learning and challenging experience.
  •     Have you ever been fired or quit a job?
             Your interviewer is searching for problems you may have had in your previous jobs.
        make sure to say only positive tins about yourself or your previous employer. If you had problems, explain them without being negative.
        make sure you don't use the word "fired" or "quit". Instead use words such as: "I changed jobs", "I was laid off", or "I needed a more challenging job".
  •          What do you feel are your greatest strengths?
              This is your opportunity to brag a little bit. It is important that you have done your research about the type of work that you are applying for. For example if you are applying as a production laborer and from your research you understand that this type of work required people that have the ability to meet quotas, work as a team and make improvement suggestions, then it is important for you to incorporate this into your strengths.
  •        What do you feel are your weaknesses?
              Most career books tell you to select a strength and present it as a weakness. Such as: "I work too much. I just work and work and work." Wrong. First of all, using a strength and presenting it as a weakness is deceiving. Second, it misses the point of the question.You should select a weakness that you have been actively working to overcome. For example: "I have had trouble in the past

with planning and prioritization. However, I'm now taking steps to correct this. I just started using a pocket planner…" then show them your planner and how you are using it.Talk about a true weakness and show what you are doing to overcome it.  
  •  How would you describe your last employer?
              Never run down or say anything negative about anybody or anyone. The employer will feel that you will do it to them. You should state the positive things such as he had high expectations and I really respected him for that. He was down to earth and really knew the job I was doing, if I had any problems he was approachable and would always give me suggestion or he gave the responsibility to do a good job.      
  •     What five words would be describe you?
              These should be your transferable skills such as reliable, punctual, organized,friendly, honest, cooperative, outgoing, easy to get along with, hardworking,energetic, take pride in my work, responsible, respected,dedicated.
  •     What did you like about your last job?
              Say only positive things that you feel could transfer across to the position your are applying for.
  •     What kind of machines or equipment have you worked with?
             This is your opportunity to give some detail of what actual work skills you have. Don't be vague, supply all of the information that you have to offer.
  •     What type of salary are you looking for?
              Do not get into this subject unless you are forced to. Even then you want to leave an impression that you are flexible in this area.
  •     What do you know about our company?
            This is your opportunity to show them that you have taken the time to research their company in particular.
  •  Are you a team player ?
           Almost everyone says yes to this question. But it is not just a yes/no question. You need to provide behavioral examples to back up your answer.
A sample answer: "Yes, I'm very much a team player. In fact, I've had opportunities in my work, school and athletics to develop my skills as a team player. For example, on a recent project…"
Emphasize teamwork behavioral examples and focus on your openness to diversity of backgrounds. Talk about the strength of the team above the individual. And note that this question may be used as a lead in to questions around how you handle conflict within a team, so be prepared.


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